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Try this tool, to help break the task in smaller, realistic bits!
Attention in Human VS Machine
Paying attention includes a wide set of cognitive processes.
La pratique d’un sport de la maternelle à la quatrième année a un effet positif sur tous les indicateurs de réussite scolaire jusqu’à la fin du secondaire, relate Linda Pagani, de l’étude Pagani et al 2024.
Have you recently been defensive about not "performing" on a cognitive task and feeling "dumb"?
This task you procrastinate on… the one that has been in your to do list for age… could it be “a decision not yet taken”
Try this tool, to help break the task in smaller, realistic bits!
Pour quelles raisons votre concentration facille? Voici quelques exemples et des solutions, selon le type de problème !
Paying attention includes a wide set of cognitive processes.